Monday, 22 April 2013

Primary Music Concert

Click on the image to get a better view

As part of Kepier's ongoing work with all our feeder primary schools, John Hall, our Head of Music, regularly invites the schools learners in to receive tuition from him, Hannah Rudge of our music department and several of the peripatetic music teachers who come into Kepier to work with us.

We hosted the latest such event on Friday 12th April, when around 70 learners from our feeder primaries, plus 30 of Kepier's own school orchestra, came in and had a fantastic time receiving tuition, learning new songs, and performing them. Our principal Nicky Cooper, a former professional violinist herself, also worked with the children.

Mr. Hall said "Everyone involved had a fantastic time, and the children were a real credit to their schools, full of enthusiasm for the day. Getting the chance to work with them is a real highlight for myself and Miss Rudge, and all the staff and Kepier's own learners who are involved".

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Kepier Academy Dance Show

'Everybody Dance Now' was this year's title for Kepier's annual dance show…and they certainly did.  There were 58 learners involved in the show, from every year group, and they all performed in a variety of styles ranging from contemporary to break dancing.  The choreography begins in September with the organisation of the show being brought together in January.  Learners rehearse each week and even give up their Sunday for a dress rehearsal.  Many staff gives up their time to help out; Mrs Ward and Miss Bell kept the learners quiet and calm whilst waiting to perform, Mrs Parker and Mrs Large organised refreshments, and Mr Dixon and Mr Telfer did an outstanding job with the technical requirements of the show.  The learners were all fantastic and Miss Farnie, our Head of Dance within our PE Department, who puts an immense amount of her own time into getting this night arranged, was incredibly proud of them all.

The show was performed in front of an audience of 270 parents/carers and families between 7pm - 9pm on Tuesday April 16th. Those who took part received some fantastic comments about their performances.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Kepier Elite Football Academy are now recruiting

Kepier are now recruiting current Year 6 boys in primary schools from across the north east to join our highly successful Elite Football Academy from September 2013. To register your interest for this fantastic opportunity, please contact or The photograph above shows our current Year 7 Academy players, who have now made it through to the semi finals of The Danone FA National Cup, a competition which had over 600 schools entered at the start, demonstrating the success of our structured coaching programme, headed up by former Sunderland defender Martin Scott.

Jay J Boxing

Jay-J, one of our Year 7 learners, was part of a delegation from Houghton Boxing Club, with whom Kepier have formed excellent links, to be invited down to meet various celebrities, including Simon Cowell and former world super middleweight boxing champion Chris Eubank, at an awards ceremony in London to celebrate The Health Lottery.

Jay-J had a fantastic day, and Kepier wish him well with his boxing in the future.